Solution: cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate

Issue when updating WordPress. You will receive this error when updating WordPress.

Error: cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate. Failed to request via WordPress: cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem.

Solution:  A valid SSL Certificate needs to be installed on your domain. You  can either installed a self-signed certificate provided by your Web Hosting provider or purchase a trusted certificate from a Certificate Authority (CA).

Some webhosts like GoDaddy do not provide a free self-signed SSL certificate and might ask you to purchase a trusted SSL certificate.  If you do not have a valid SSL certificate and dont want to buy a SSL certificate or need a quick workaround to update your WordPress installation, then you can get a free SSL certificate which is provided by some websites. Here is how.


Generate CSR, Private key and CRT. And copy each one and save it on your local computer.

Use the CSR, Private key and CRT that you get from above site and follow the SSL Certificate installation procedure as applicable to your webserver.  Instructions for installing SSL certificate on a cPanel is given here.

After installing a SSL certificate on your server/domain, you should be able to update WordPress without the cURL error.


சங்க இலக்கியங்கத்தில் தை மாதம்

தாய் அருகா நின்று தவத் தைந் நீராடுதல்?  (பரிபாடல் 11 – 91)

‘நீ தக்காய், தைந் நீர்! நிறம் தெளிந்தாய்’ என்மாரும் (பரிபாடல் 11 / 115)

இன்ன பண்பின் நின் தைந் நீராடல் (பரிபாடல் 11 / 134)



Promotional SMS – SenderID Identification

Here is a quick way to identify the type of SMS you receive.

Generally, you will receive different types of SMSes in your phone – SMS for marketing a product or service, SMS from your bank or any institution you have commercial relationship with and private SMS communication from your friends, relatives and any individual.

  1. From id / header to identify Promotional / Marketing SMS:

From address of SMS related to Banking, Insurance starts with 1
Example: 107070
From address of SMS related to Real Estate starts with 2
From address of SMS related to Education start with 3
From address of SMS related to Health starts with 4
From address of SMS related to Consumer Goods starts with 5
Example: 530000, 551515
From address of SMS related to Communication/Entertainment starts with 6
Example: 611123, 650025, 693742
From address of SMS not related to any category starts with 0
Example: 067890, 012029

2. From id / Sender id for Transactional SMS:

Example: AP-XXXXXX, VD-XXXXXX, CP-XXXXX where X is a 6 digita alpha-numeric characters.


Extract attachments from Gmail

How to Extract attachments from emails in Gmail.

gmail attachment extractor app iconSometimes, you may need to extract all attachments from your Gmail emails and download them. Here is a new free Android App – Gmail Attachment Extractor that makes this possible.

  1. Download Gmail Attachment Extractor from Google Play store.
  2. Click on “Sign-on with Google” button. If you have multiple gmail accounts configured in your android phone or tab, then you will be prompted to select the account from which you need to extract the attachments. Otherwise, default Gmail account will be automatically selected and you will shown the list of labels/folders from your Gmail account.
  3. Select a folder from the list and wait for a few seconds.
  4. On the next screen you will be shown the total messages in the selected folder along with the filter options available to extract the attachments.
  5. Choose one of more options and tap the “Start Extraction” button to proceed.
  6. For example: To extract and download all attachments from a known Sender, just enter the Name or Email address of the sender (From email id) and hit the “Start Extraction” button. See the App’s help screen to know more about the options.
  7. For more advanced filter options to extract, see Mail Attachment Extractor Pro

Download Gmail Attachment Extractor now for free and download your Gmail attachments to your device.

Extract and Download Gmail attachmentsSee Video tutorial on how to Extract Gmail email attachments.

Related: How to Extract email ids from Gmail

Social Shared Count of any website

Get social shared count of your website, blog or any URL. Check the social popularity of a website/url in popular social networks.

Available in two versions – on website and as Android App.

  1. Go to Social Share Count Checker Website to see it live.
  2. Download Social Share Count Tracker Android app from Google Play Store
Social Shared Count of any websiteFeatures of Social Share Count Tracker Android App:
  • Check social shares, facebook likes, twitter tweets, google plus count of any URL.
  • Shows shared count of Facebook (likes, shares, comments), Google (+1s), Twitter (tweets), Linkedin (shares), StumbleUpon, Delicious (bookmarks), Pinterest (pins).
  • Open Social Share Count Tracker app from your mobile browser’s share icon to see the shared count of the url you are browsing. Know the social reach of a website or blog.

Options :

  • XML Sitemap URL: (for Webmasters):
    You can automatically check the social shared count of the URLs in your XML Sitemap file. Just enter the URL of your
    XML Sitemap, tick this option and submit. This app will fetch and show the first 5 URLs from your XML sitemap
    file,click on Continue button to view the social shares of each URL.
  • View Saved URL:
    This is a history of the URLs you have typed. Every URLs you check for social shares are saved so you don’t have to
    re-type the URL the next time. Just pickup the URL from the list and submit.
  1. Go to Social Share Count Checker Website now to see it in action.
  2. Download Social Share Count Tracker Android app from Google Play Store
    for advanced options mentioned above.

    Extract Email addresses from Gmail

    Email Extractor for Gmail – Visit to extract all email addresses from your Gmail inbox and other mail folders.

    • Download extracted emails as .CSV file.
    • Extract Name and Email address of senders of all mails in your Gmail.
    • No software required, No giving away your password.

    Visit to Extract email address from gmail from Gmail inbox and any mail folders in your Gmail account.