Benefits of using netMailshar
- Email addresses for everyone in the network
with just one Internet account.
- Individual users need not dial out to
ISP to send and receive Emails.
- True and unique
Email addresses like username@yourdomainname.com for every user in the
- Users can seamlessly send and receive
Emails as if they are on a dedicated (leased) line to Internet.
- Savings in capital & operating costs
- only one Modem, one phone line & one Internet account.
- You need not spend more than 30 minutes
(even if you are checking for emails every hour)
of your Online time per day to provide Email facility to everyone in
your company.
- Your company takes advantage of instant
communication by email to give access and a competitive edge: communicate
more efficiently, collapse project and turnaround time, boost productivity.
Communicate, Network,
Inform - Use netMailshar.