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Buy Contacts Sync Pro 2 way - Synchronize Outlook Contacts with Gmail - Android, iPhone, Playbook, Tablet, iPad. Sync Categories, Notes

Contacts Sync - Synchronize Outlook Contacts with Gmail
Pay Now and Download Contacts Sync Pro 2way version

  • Outlook versions supported (Windows only): (both 32 bit and 64 bit) Outlook 2003, Outlook 2007, Outlook 2010, Outlook 2013 , Outlook 2016
  • Users of Android Phones, iPhones, Tablets, Blackberry Playbook can use Contacts Sync to transfer Outlook Contacts to Gmail and then sync your phone with Gmail.
  • Contacts Sync works with any Gmail account as well as Google Apps (both free and paid) account.

Click on Buy Now button above and complete the payment process. After making payment you will see a "Go to Download Page" button, click on it to proceed. If you have missed the download button, click on the Upgrade link on the Contacts Sync home page.

Send an email to support@pppindia.com if you have any issues during the payment process or download.



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